We all have that dream we promised ourselves back to the days when we were young. When everything seems very attainable and possible. When life still feels all roses and butterflies. Then not for long, adulthood arrives and knocks us all out of our feet. And that, my friends, when we start to realize 'What the heck did I do with my life?’ Good news is.. It is never too late to start again. As cliché as it may sound, I know for a fact it's true as I, myself, can justify that as long as you love something out of Dear Life and you work your ass off, everything is possible. Too much talking so let me share some tips on how I manifested my American Dream. Let’s start shall we? ;)


It was one night when I was in bed but still couldn't sleep and I remember having the urge to cry as I felt so lost in life. I went to the kitchen (not to eat. lol) but to have a moment of silence and when I was finally done crying, I took my laptop with me and started searching for a bunch of nonsense things online when all of a sudden I saw this Ad of an American Acting School. I didn’t know what I was thinking but all I felt was this push to apply and I just started filling up the Application Form. (Funny thing is deep down I know it would be impossible as I cannot afford to enroll myself in that prestige school)

Lesson: Sometimes in life you just got to find that moment where you can be alone with yourself. That moment is golden as you can only hear the sound of your thoughts but most importantly is that you actually give your heart a chance to tell you what it wants to tell you.


We are all here for a reason we just got to find what it is. By that I don’t mean your 9 to 5 job that you hate and with a boss you never liked. What I mean is that something you’re passionate about, that something you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life without regretting. It is not an easy thing to make a decision but just pick one and stick to it. I know mine is Acting since I loved Theater as long as I can remember. After months of figuring it out, I knew I had to do something.

Lesson: Going with the flow is good but you only live once so might as well choose and decide to do something you love and stick with it whatever happens once and for all.


I don’t know about you but I do believe that if you want something you have to speak it into existence. Vividly I can remember I was so depressed one night so I decided to meet with my best friend and just wanting to have a chat. I told her what I have been feeling lately and that I felt lost and scared in life. All of a sudden she asked me what is that thing I normally do that makes me feel happy and alive. That is when I started reminiscing and sharing her all the happy moments I had back in the days I was performing and acting. She told me to do it again and that she believes in me. That night felt like a confirmation that I could do whatever it is I love to do only if I start working my ass off.

Lesson: Sharing how you feel and letting the ones you love know your situation can be one of the most comforting and liberating feelings. Not only that because if they truly care for you they’ll support you and somehow will be your motivation.


So let’s go back to that night when I recklessly applied to the Acting School. Days after I was shocked as I got an email from them saying I got accepted and that they liked my Audition Video. First thing I did was to call my father and share the good news. He was so happy and told me he’s proud of me. But wait, there’s more as I’ve been told that I only have a limited time to enroll and pay the tuition fee, which by the way was a lot for me. I didn’t have enough savings and my father that moment didn’t have a stable job. I came home that day and finding myself sitting on the floor in my room thinking what have I done. I felt so stupid and that what I want is impossible. I spent crying the whole night and somehow started praying until I fell asleep. Little did I know the next day my father called saying he has been granted a loan from his bank and he will help me with the tuition fee. Like a baby I couldn’t stop crying and just thanking God because I know it was him after all.

Lesson: Do not worry about anything but instead pray about everything. We may not have what we want right now but trust him and his timing. As long as we know deep down our hearts that what we want is to honor and live the life he had given us, we will be just fine.

Much love! xx

Instagram : @mowiebelen