Elle Porterfield
현재 거주지
4 October 1996
자신을 가장 잘 표현할 수 있는 사진/영상

SNS Link (Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, etc)
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elleporterfield/
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elleporterfield
website: https://elleporterfield.com/
demo reel: https://youtu.be/FqFTR6wm22U
monologues (originally part of a successful audition to AADA new york): https://youtu.be/IJpn-W_IWvE
픽미업 추천 이유를 적어주세요 (필수 항목을 적지 않을시 삭제됩니다)
I know I'm the perfect person for this project. I am hardworking, smart, funny, and I will be the person who can help to make this movie the best it can be. I speak English and French and can easily pick up new languages if necessary. Although I would be happy in any role as part of this project, I am most interested in the lead role and I know I am up to the challenge. I am trained in various acting techniques (Meisner, Shakespeare, etc.) and I am talented in both comedic and dramatic acting.
Elle Porterfield
현재 거주지
4 October 1996
자신을 가장 잘 표현할 수 있는 사진/영상
SNS Link (Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, etc)
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elleporterfield/
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elleporterfield
website: https://elleporterfield.com/
demo reel: https://youtu.be/FqFTR6wm22U
monologues (originally part of a successful audition to AADA new york): https://youtu.be/IJpn-W_IWvE
픽미업 추천 이유를 적어주세요 (필수 항목을 적지 않을시 삭제됩니다)
I know I'm the perfect person for this project. I am hardworking, smart, funny, and I will be the person who can help to make this movie the best it can be. I speak English and French and can easily pick up new languages if necessary. Although I would be happy in any role as part of this project, I am most interested in the lead role and I know I am up to the challenge. I am trained in various acting techniques (Meisner, Shakespeare, etc.) and I am talented in both comedic and dramatic acting.