[Entertainment]안녕하세여 저는 세계적인 무대로 나가고 싶은 장예라라고 합니다.
Anna Yoon2021-09-24 18:29
Yela~ I really love your pictures! They show so many different sides of you. 😍
Katie Yoon2021-06-18 13:22
Hello Yela :) Nice to e-meet you.
I love your artistic pictures!
I love your artistic pictures!
Michael W. Choi2021-06-09 16:39
Hello Yela!
Welcome to Asia Filmlab!
That is great that you are studying and pursuing profession in acting in China!
Beautiful Hanbok too!
Welcome to Asia Filmlab!
That is great that you are studying and pursuing profession in acting in China!
Beautiful Hanbok too!
자신을 가장 잘 표현할 수 있는 사진/영상
videos that best represents who you are
SNS Link (Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, etc)
픽미업 추천 이유를 적어주세요 (필수 항목을 적지 않을시 삭제됩니다)
Tell us why this person should be our pick!
평생에 한번쯤은 세계에 무대에서 나의 마음 깊은속 爱 펼쳐보이고 싶습니다