Michael W. Choi2021-10-13 14:57
Hello Lina!
Welcome to Asia Lab!
I can definitely see the enthusiasm in your smile!
There is always a starting point, and I hope you can continue on with your passion for acting.
I hope you can find more friends and connections through Asia Lab, and explore the world filled with artists like yourself!
Welcome to Asia Lab!
I can definitely see the enthusiasm in your smile!
There is always a starting point, and I hope you can continue on with your passion for acting.
I hope you can find more friends and connections through Asia Lab, and explore the world filled with artists like yourself!
모든 답변은 글로 써도 되며, 영상으로 올려도 됩니다.
Your answers may be in writing or in a video.
Lina Ntumba
현재 거주지
South Africa
23 April 2001
자신을 가장 잘 표현할 수 있는 사진/영상
Photo/videos that best represents who you are
SNS Link (Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, etc)
픽미업 추천 이유를 적어주세요 (필수 항목을 적지 않을시 삭제됩니다)
Tell us why this person should be our pick!
I am new to acting so I will do exactly what you want with a lot of enthusiasm to ensure that your movie Siesta is exactly what you want: A success! Pick me and you won't regret it.