모든 답변은 글로 써도 되며, 영상으로 올려도 됩니다.

Your answers may be in writing or in a video. 



Scarlett He




현재 거주지 


New York




자신을 가장 잘 표현할 수 있는 사진/영상

Photo/videos that best represents who you are

SNS Link (Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, etc)


픽미업 추천 이유를 적어주세요 (필수 항목을 적지 않을시 삭제됩니다)

Tell us why this person should be our pick!

I’m writing to you regarding the modeling position you are seeking on this production. I have experience in modeling and film, and I received my AFA from American Musical and Dramatic Academy. I am right for the role you’re currently casting because I have the necessary look for the part, I’m a bilingual which fluent in both Chinese and English. My experience in film and modeling has taught me the nuances between the two medium, allowing me to move smoothly between each type of work and find ways to amplify my characters as much as possible. I’m very interested in your project and I think I’d be a great fit for this role. My recent career highlights include work in a feature film and digital print commercial for Maybelline. I've been awarded for many titles, which are:

2010 Young’s Golden Frog 

2016 Hawaii Voice 3rd place

2018 Miss Hawaii Chinese Princess 

2019 Miss Universe Chinese most charming award

2020 Urban United Association Certificate of Appreciation

2020 ASA College Certificate of Appreciation

2020 Miss Boston Fashion Travel 2nd place, best photogenic award

2021 Miss International Fashion Travel, most popularity

I look forward to hearing from you!