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Global creatives work together to make an ongoing short form series.
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도전과제 Challenge Project

제로 컨택트 Zero Contact


The future that believes what you want to believe, and the good belief that formulates the future. This film was designed to deliver a message of hope that humanity can overcome any adversity and disasters as long as there is faith.


Zero Contact is a short drama series where it sets during a post-zombie apocalypse setting. Few survivors worldwide have their potentially last video chat with their close ones as they live through difficult times. 


As the Coronavirus phases down, small unknown asteroids struck Earth. The people who have made contact with the asteroids, lose control over their body by a virus, and the infection rapidly spreads to others. Chaos takes over the world, where the infectors hunt for both the living and the dead. The surviving cities are barricaded by the massive wall. One particular district in Seoul, South Korea is labeled as the 3rd District. 

As the surviving cities experience this new zombie apocalypse, a rumor of the "Prophet" spreads around the world, that he can save the world from this pandemic. All of the survivors from both infected and uninfected cities are in desperate search of this "Prophet."

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