Apply now ▶️ Please, fill out the application form to buy. (Required)
"We will send you a PayPal invoice for successful applicants."
22th March 2024 - 28th June 2023 Every Friday 14 weeks ( onec a week )
- 3 Pass : 3 countries for US$ 2600 (6 times)
- All Pass : 7 countries for US$ 4500 (14 times)
* Please note that 3 Pass package costumers are not eligible for individual presentations or Awards held per category during the seminars.
* Please note that those with a discount benefit can pay only through Account transfer
(IBK (Industrial Bank of Korea) Bank 054-153797-04-012 Asia Lab)
* Airfare is not included
* Request for one room per person in each overseas country will be charged an additional US$ 80
* Enterprise group registration is 5% off for 2 or more people and 10% off for 4 or more people. (*Separate inquiry for at least 10 people or more is requested)
상품 요약설명