글로벌 장편 영화 '아시아' 워크숍 진행사항이 업데이트 됩니다. 장편 제작 워크숍 과정을 함께해요.
Global Project 'ASIA' weekly Workshops are updated on this page. Join us on this creative journey.
'아시아' 1차 오디션 참가 명단 | 'ASIA' 1st Round Audition Actors

Kuni Tomita2021-04-20 21:26
Wonderful! My name is Kunihito Tomita and my Instagram is @kunitomita thank you for your time :)

Traei Tsai2021-05-22 16:34
Hello everyone!
What wonderful news and congratulations 👏!
My name is Traei Tsai and so excited for Project Asia! My Instagram is @traeitsai
Please feel free to connect my friends! Thank you and looking forward to meeting you all one day!
What wonderful news and congratulations 👏!
My name is Traei Tsai and so excited for Project Asia! My Instagram is @traeitsai
Please feel free to connect my friends! Thank you and looking forward to meeting you all one day!

Traei Tsai2021-11-06 17:21
Hello! I hope everyone has been staying safe and well! I wanted to connect to see what stage this project is at? Many thanks! 🙏👐
Asia Filmlab Feature Film Project 'ASIA'
global application submissions are in!
🎉Introducing the 1st round of selected actors for the audition🎉
Marius MacTovvich
Laura de Sommar
Sumin Kim
Michelle Miller
Kunihito Tomita
Jia Park
Yeongjin Ok
George Saunders
Armen Greyg
Mehr Icarus
Kelvin Lang
Mingma Lama
Frank Sikunzuri
Trevor Lord
Anastasia Mirabelle
Jasmine Wang
Crystal Powell
Giovanni Comin
Ting Sue
Jayden Declet
Joey Albright
Traei Tsai
Joshua Emil Giron
Dan Blacka
Sohee Hong
Erika Huey Tan
Constantina Casas
Michael Deni
Maggie Thompson
Brad Stryker
Poppy Snow
Wesley Killingsworth
Sohyun Park
Enrique Canedo
Solomon Yaisrael
Edwin Lee
Ana Gonsalves
James T Buxton
Tony Blass
Charles Chi Soo Kim
Kenneth Huynh
Adam Kareen
Danny Boland
Kyle Thomas Schmidt
🎉Congratulations to everyone who made it!🎉
>>Please leave your name and Instagram handle in the comments below, so we can contact you<<
Timetables will be posted soon and all auditions will be held over Zoom.
Looking forward to meeting everyone😊
Stay safe!
아시아필름랩 장편영화 프로젝트'아시아'
해외 배우들 접수가 끝났습니다.
2차 오디션 면접을 보게 될 배우들을 소개합니다👏👏
Marius MacTovvich
Laura de Sommar
Sumin Kim
Michelle Miller
Kunihito Tomita
Jia Park
Yeongjin Ok
George Saunders
Armen Greyg
Mehr Icarus
Kelvin Leung
Mingma Lama
Frank Sikunzuri
Trevor Lord
Anastasia Mirabelle
Jasmine Wang
Crystal Powell
Giovanni Comin
Ting Sue
Jayden Declet
Joey Albright
Traei Tsai
Joshua Emil Giron
Dan Blacka
Sohee Hong
Erika Huey Tan
Constantina Casas
Michael Deni
Maggie Thompson
Brad Stryker
Poppy Snow
Wesley Killingsworth
Enrique Canedo
Solomon Yaisrael
Edwin Lee
Ana Gonsalves
James T Buxton
Tony Blass
Charles Chi Soo Kim
Kenneth Huynh
Adam Kareen
Danny Boland
Kyle Thomas Schmidt
🎉2차 오디션에 선정된 배우들 모두 축하드립니다!🎉
오디션 스케줄은 다시 공지될 예정이며 2차 오디션은 비대면 영상통화 앱 Zoom으로 진행됩니다.
일교차가 크니 감기조심하시길 바라며 ‘아시아’ 화이팅입니다! 😊