'AI Her(인공지능 그녀)' 단편 시리즈 방식으로 만든 1화, 2화, 3화를 꼭 정주행하셔야 합니다.
촉박한 시간 여건으로 감독님이 후반작업에서 영화적인 완성도를 높이지 못했던 내용을 포함해
감독판을 통해 세 이야기가 한 편의 영화로 완성되어지는 "왜 시네마인가?"라는 철학적 접근으로
워크숍 주제 중 하나로 다루게 됩니다.
반드시 AI Her(인공지능 그녀) 1-3화를 정주행하고 와주셔야, 감독판과 비교할 수 있으며
이를 통해 현장에서 무엇에 집중할 것인지 배울 수 있는 시간이 될 것입니다.
In this week's Team 'ASIA' Workshop we will discuss the topic of "What is cinema?".
You must watch all 3 episodes of 'AI Her', director Lee Jung-Sub's short-form series released on YouTube.
Due to time constraints, director Lee Jung-Sub uploaded the first three episodes of the series before he could apply his cinematic editing skills to the series. In the recently released director's cut, he edited all three episodes into one film. By comparing the two edited versions, we will explore how post-production affects the outcomes that come from the same source. We will touch on the subject of "what is cinema?".
Watch episodes one, two, and three of 'AI Her' and then watch the director's cut of 'AI Her'.
Pay attention to the details of the difference in editing between the two and you will be able to learn what to focus on when acting on set for any kind of drama/film.
Episode 1 | Mental Plastic Surgery - AI Her
Episode 2 | Buying and Selling the experience of 'Murder' - AI Her
이번주 팀아시아 워크숍 프로그램에는
"왜 시네마인가?" 의 주제가 포함되어있습니다.
'AI Her(인공지능 그녀)' 단편 시리즈 방식으로 만든 1화, 2화, 3화를 꼭 정주행하셔야 합니다.
촉박한 시간 여건으로 감독님이 후반작업에서 영화적인 완성도를 높이지 못했던 내용을 포함해
감독판을 통해 세 이야기가 한 편의 영화로 완성되어지는 "왜 시네마인가?"라는 철학적 접근으로
워크숍 주제 중 하나로 다루게 됩니다.
반드시 AI Her(인공지능 그녀) 1-3화를 정주행하고 와주셔야, 감독판과 비교할 수 있으며
이를 통해 현장에서 무엇에 집중할 것인지 배울 수 있는 시간이 될 것입니다.
In this week's Team 'ASIA' Workshop we will discuss the topic of "What is cinema?".
You must watch all 3 episodes of 'AI Her', director Lee Jung-Sub's short-form series released on YouTube.
Due to time constraints, director Lee Jung-Sub uploaded the first three episodes of the series before he could apply his cinematic editing skills to the series. In the recently released director's cut, he edited all three episodes into one film. By comparing the two edited versions, we will explore how post-production affects the outcomes that come from the same source. We will touch on the subject of "what is cinema?".
Watch episodes one, two, and three of 'AI Her' and then watch the director's cut of 'AI Her'.
Pay attention to the details of the difference in editing between the two and you will be able to learn what to focus on when acting on set for any kind of drama/film.
Episode 1 | Mental Plastic Surgery - AI Her
Episode 2 | Buying and Selling the experience of 'Murder' - AI Her
Episode 3 | Erasing Myself -AI Her
AI Her Season 1 Director's Cut